
Hi. I’m Diane.

I like to grow things. I’ve also spent a majority of my life teaching others how to grow things through a variety of workshops, webinars and classes. I grew up working on a farm, and the skills I learned there shaped me into the person I am today. After finishing my bachelor’s degree at The University of Louisville, I spent several years working with The Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Kentucky Hemp Pilot Program during its initial phase. When not gardening, I am a 1st grade teacher to 24 of the most incredible human beings on the planet.

I currently reside in the Southend of Louisville, Kentucky, with my husband, 2 boys, 3 dogs and a cat. I can usually be found out front, yelling at crabgrass and harvesting zucchini from my flowerbeds. I currently have over 1,000 square feet under cultivation in my front yard.

I created Front Yard Farmacy to help re-connect people to the food they eat. I aim to empower a new generation of urban gardeners to make the push toward self- reliance through growing their own food, right in their own front yard.