
Front Yard Farmacy was created to reconnect people to the art of gardening. Through education and exploration, this project’s aim is to cultivate (see what I did there?) a new generation of city gardeners and encourage them to take a path toward self-reliance through growing their own food…right in their own front yards.

Hence the name of this project. I consider my yard my own personal ‘Farmacy’. Part farm, part pharmacy, my front yard is a valuable resource of nutrient dense, organic produce that improves the overall health and well being of my family. Much of my produce is grown in my front flowerbeds, where traditional landscaping once lived. Re-imagining the possibilities of my front yard has allowed me to provide a reliable source of food for my family, and that is something I’m most proud of. I’m directly connected to the food that ends up on my dinner plate, which sadly, is a concept that most people never get to experience. As a society we are disconnected from our food. Food isn’t just something we eat. It’s the fuel that keeps us going and what keeps us healthy. On the flip side, it is also what keeps us unhealthy. This is why there is a serious need to be connected to food. We should know where it comes from, how it was grown or raised and most importantly, how to cook it. This project aims to do just that. A one stop resource for adventurous city gardeners ready to use their front yards as an opportunity for self-reliance.

My children are directly involved in food growing process at our home. Teaching them at an early age the importance of the food we put into our bodies was something that was important to me. Growing our own food is an all hands on deck family endeavor, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The benefits of fresh food right outside your doorstep are endless. Anyone can grow a successful garden, even if that garden is limited to containers on a patio. I encourage you to see what is possible when you re-imagine the idea of what traditional suburban landscapes are supposed to look like. You can simultaneously have a beautiful yard while growing your own food!

If you simply commit to growing a window box full of lettuce, you’ve supplied yourself with future sustenance. In these uncertain times, that is invaluable. We all have to start somewhere, and building the skill-set for self-reliant gardening takes time. I’ve been sharpening my skills for over 15 years and I still don’t have all of the answers.

I am, however, so happy and honored to share what answers I do have right here. I’m also really thankful for the wonderful group of friends I have who finally nagged me enough to launch this project. After years of being the go-to lady for weird plant questions, I’ve decided to take my skills and talents outside of my comfort zone in the hopes of empowering and encouraging others to get out and grow something. If I’ve provided the tools and resources to encourage even one person to become more self- reliant by growing their own food, I’ll consider this project a success. Putting together a site that reflects my personal philosophies and practices has been a labor of love. I’ve poured my heart, soul and energy I didn’t even know I had into this project over the last few months. It is still evolving, but I’m thrilled with what has transpired thus far. So grab a shovel, fire up your imagination and plan to get some dirt under those fingernails!

Happy Digging!


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